Franchise Fees vs. Earning Potential with Real Property Management

Learn the ins and outs of Real Property Management Franchise fees, and how they pave the way for a successful business. Contact us today!

What Damage Can Pests Do to Your Home?

How can you benefit from a home watch franchise? Property management companies can inspect your home for pest infiltration. Pests can wreak havoc and cause extensive damage that can be challenging and expensive to repair. Whether you’re dealing with termites, mice, or other common household pests, it’s important to understand how these pests can destroy…

The Importance of Home Maintenance

Do you own several properties? Multiple properties under your name can have financial benefits but maintaining them can be a burden if you don’t partner with a Charleston property management company. You can’t be everywhere at once. Neglecting maintenance will cost you money and not to mention stress. When you own properties, part of the…